After a number of years spent on research and development VERHOEF has successfully tested the first freefall lifeboat, powered by an electric motor, using the most advanced type of Li-Ion battery packs, currently available.
During full scale tests along the Dutch North Sea Coast the electric powered engine arrangement, specifically designed by VERHOEF, proved to be ready for introduction to the Offshore, especially for those facilities in areas where rescue from the lifeboat will not take a long time, or long sailing phase.
This development was initiated by VERHOEFs maintenance crew, often visiting the platforms, and experiencing high cost involved with regular inspections and repairs on the traditional diesel-engines. In general, the maintenance of the diesel engine requires about 75 percent of the regular inspection time, and cost available for the lifesaving equipment. Therefore significant savings can be made, including a higher level of reliability and so safety, when an electric powered engine is used.
Due to limited use of the diesel-engines in lifeboats, soot (black powder left in the engine) causes extensive repair and also has a negative effect on the performance and reliability of the evacuation system.
Advantages: The use of an electric powered engine as designed by VERHOEF has many advantages: